Corporate MBSR Programs
The Insight Center offers Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs to corporations, professional organizations, and clinical staffs. Former and current clients have included Quaker Oats, TransUnion, Dreamtown Realty, and others. The corporate MBSR programs are customized to meet the specific needs of each organization and staff, and to accommodate the logistical challenges of bringing MBSR instruction to the organization’s employees.
For more information, contact:
Dr. Chris Chroniak

The corporate MBSR program is typically taught on-site, within a time-frame most convenient for the majority of employees. The class time may be reduced from the typical two-and-a-half hours to seventy-five or ninety minutes. Advanced MBSR training for employees who complete the eight-week basic program is also offered on-site.
The Insight Center has been providing customized corporate MBSR programs for over 20 years, and the research data collected from these programs provide strong support for their effectiveness. The data indicate that participants from the corporate programs experience similar reductions in psychological and physical symptoms, and similar increases in measures of health and well-being, compared to participants in the regular eight-week program.